mind-body connect
Daily Whispers
What Does It Feel Like to Be Well?

What Does It Feel Like to Be Well?

How Paying Attention to Wellbeing Can Build Stronger Mind-Body Positivity

Welcome to a new series on the mind-body connection from Daily Whispers.

Wellbeing, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is a state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. In my experience, it feels like being strong, calm, and clear.

Sounds good, right?

The problem is that we are inclined to focus on negative states or what’s missing, making it difficult to recognize the positive state of mind and body known as wellbeing.

The Negativity Bias

It’s not our fault. Our brains are wired to go negative first, a survival technique called the negativity bias. This means we often focus on what's wrong rather than what's right. We get stuck in this mode, constantly looking for threats.

The negativity bias isn’t all negative. This sharp sense has kept us alive! The problem is that too much focus on the negative—on what’s wrong and what’s missing—can cause us to forget to appreciate what’s good and right.

Yes, our bodies give us updates when something is wrong or needed, such as thirst, hunger, rest, or safety. It’s crucial to read these signals and act accordingly.

However, it's equally important to recognize when we feel well, which involves learning to notice moments of health and happiness—a skill we haven't typically been taught.

Strengthening the Positivity Muscle

To counter the ever-present negativity bias, consider these questions:

To counter the ever-present negativity bias, consider these questions:

  • What does wellbeing feel like? Strong, calm, and clear does it for me.)

  • When do you feel most well? (Think about specific times such as mornings, evenings, weekends, or being outside.)

  • What activity, place, or person easily shifts you into a state of wellbeing? (Many people might say being at the beach, walking in the woods, cooking, or spending time with their dog.)

  • What daily practices help you shift from a negative to a positive state? (Try my guided body scan or loving-kindness practice to get started.)

Noticing these “well” moments, even if they are fleeting, helps us remember what it’s like to feel good.

This is how we consciously counter the negativity bias that always finds what's wrong and, instead, build mind-body positivity that recognizes what's right.

The great news is that we can stay attuned to our body's signals, alerting us when we’ve gone off balance, while also experiencing more positive moments of wellbeing when we feel strong, calm, and clear. Give it a try and notice the difference.

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mind-body connect
Daily Whispers
Join seasoned mind-body teacher and coach Cara Bradley on Daily Whispers, a podcast dedicated to advancing human potential through evidence-based mind-body practices. Cara offers practical tools and no-nonsense motivation to help you achieve optimal wellbeing and fully engage with your precious life. Tune in and start your transformation today.