mind-body connect
Daily Whispers
Lighting Up At Mid-Life

Lighting Up At Mid-Life

Becoming Bolder, Braver, and More Truthful, One Step at a Time

Today on Daily Whispers we explore the power of pushing your limits and embracing the unknown.

I share my exhilarating experience in a recent bootcamp class and the surprising aha moment it brought when I found myself facing an unfamiliar challenge: pushing a heavy plate across the floor.

The experience left me breathless, but it also sparked an epiphany. In life, as in fitness, it's crucial to "push the plate" - to venture beyond the familiar and comfortable.

I delve into various ways we can do this - from physical challenges to emotional growth.

Join me in exploring how taking that extra 1% step can light up your life and help you grow in unexpected ways.

So, my challenge to you today is simple: Step up, push the plate, and watch your life light up.

Are you game? Let's do this!

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Cara Bradley is a Mind-Body Teacher and Menopause Performance Coach, wellness entrepreneur and author. She is the founder of Menopause Inc. providing workplace programming for high performing women.

mind-body connect
Daily Whispers
Join seasoned mind-body teacher and coach Cara Bradley on Daily Whispers, a podcast dedicated to advancing human potential through evidence-based mind-body practices. Cara offers practical tools and no-nonsense motivation to help you achieve optimal wellbeing and fully engage with your precious life. Tune in and start your transformation today.